One of the best coping strategies, suggested by professionals and patients alike, is using a mood chart to track my own episodes and symptoms. A mood chart can be a preventive tool to help identify early warning signs for relapse, a record for physicians and family to help assess the efficacy of different medications and treatments, and a therapeutic tool to organize a person’s daily routine and improve awareness of illness.
I found keeping a Mood Diary (download mooddiary.pdf) and a Mood Chart very useful. I used a chart to keep track of my mood for the day, whether it is up or down. I also use a Mood Diary to record my activities throughout the day and I rate my mood for each activity. Increasing number of downs on my Mood Chart or Mood Diary is a red light for me to take action, re-examine my lifestyle and make changes, if necessary.
I also use a Journal to write down my thoughts, feelings and reflections. This can be very therapeutic. I find writing to friends to share with them my experiences can also be very therapeutic. So is developing this blog to share with you and other readers Thank you for lending me a “listening ear”
My Coping Strategies:
4a. Exercise
4b. Omega-3 fish oil supplements
6. Mood tracking and Journalling
7. Learning to cope with stress and challenges
8. Leisure, hobbies and recreations
9. Support Network (family, church, friends, etc)
10. Counselling / Talk Therapy
11. Correcting faulty thoughts patterns
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