I realize through this illness, the importance of having the support and prayers of my family and friends, besides professional helps from Doctors, Counsellors and Support Group. The people I love, and who love me, will see me at my best. When my symptoms reappear, they may see me at my worst.
Whenever possible, I will share with them my illness. I give them articles, pamphlets and books to read about bipolar disorder so that they will understand that my behaviour is not always under my control. It will also help them to understand why I am sometimes so different.
A friend recently told me that he used to wonder why I was at times very warm and friendly but at other times very cold and indifferent. After understanding my illnesses and different mood swings, he was able to understand why. He is very compassionate kind and understanding. He even offered me a listening ear should I need to talk to someone when I am feeling down.
My Doctor suggested to me recently, that I should tell my family and friends that I am like a bear For certain period of time in a year, I will hibernate
Bears hibernate during winter in which they pass the winter in inactive.
I thank God for my family’s understandings and concerns. I thank God especially for the prayers and encouragement of many of my friends, especially those from my church and 2 sisters from Canada. I am also grateful for the many kindness they have extended to me especially in giving love gifts very generously to me so that all my medical and other expenses are covered during this period of recuperation away from work.
I thank God that I am in a community of people who love God and love me, who accepts me in my illness and weaknesses, and continue to extend their love and friendship to me. To the Lord and to them I owe a debt I cannot repay. I can only pray that God will bless them and their family with rich spiritual and temporal blessings, and continue to provide for their every need. I will also strive to live for God’s glory and to serve Him and His people, to the best of my ability, as the Lord enables me. To God be the glory!
My Coping Strategies:
4a. Exercise
4b. Omega-3 fish oil supplements
6. Mood tracking and Journalling
7. Learning to cope with stress and challenges
8. Leisure, hobbies and recreations
9. Support Network (family, church, friends, etc)
10. Counselling / Talk Therapy
11. Correcting faulty thoughts patterns
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