Dear Friends,
Thank God for His faithfulness. These few nights my sleep continue to improve and I am generally feeling a lot more “normal” and better. Phew, no more long emails from me! Though I still wake up in the night, I am able to fall asleep again and able to get in total of about 6 to 7 hours of sleep compared to the 3 hours last week. So I am able to cope better with work and other challenges in my life. Thank and praise God! Thanks for your prayers for me.
I am especially thankful to God for enabling me to join the public worship again last Lord’s day, to partake of the Lord’s Supper and to fellowship with some brethren. Surely this is in answer to yours and our brethren’s prayers to God for me! It is sweet to be reminded afresh of Christ’s great love for us, His suffering for our sins to redeem us and His care upon us every day. May we live in humble dependence upon Him, yield our hearts and lives to Him, love and serve Him all the days of our lives.
Thank you for accepting me and continuing to treat me as a sister-in-Christ. Mental illnesses are generally stigmas in our society and sometimes even among Christians. I am thankful to God that you are very large-hearted and open-minded. You have not despised me but continue to accept me as a sister and pray for me. I felt very blessed by God to have the friendship of so many of His beloved people. I felt privilege to be cared in this way by God’s children. Surely these are tokens of God’s love and mercies to me. May God bless your kindness to this His unworthy child who is preserved by His grace alone. All praise and glory be to God!
May your Lord continue to bless and keep you and your family as you seek and serve Him together. May His joy be your strength always!
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Psalm 36:5
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. Lamentations 3:24
The Lord is my strength and song… Exodus 15:2a
In our Lord’s care,
Some replies from my friends and brethren-in-Christ whom I shall keep anonymous unless they give me permission to put their names on this webpage:
Dear sister,
Thank God indeed. I am very happy to know that you are able to sleep better. It was very good to see you at worship and especially at the Lord’s Table on the Lord’s Day.
Rest assured, dear sister, that you are no less a sister and friend to me despite your afflictions. Depression is something that can hit all off us, and indeed it strikes us to various degrees at various time. It is sent by the Lord according to his good purpose which we may not immediately understand. It is not something to be ashamed about, much less to be despised. I am thankful that the Lord has by His providence led you to recognise it so that you could seek appropriate treatment because I understand how painful and baffling it can be.
Trusting that the Lord will continue to uphold your spirit as you wait upon Him.
Praying with you.
Dear sister,
Thank the Lord for His refreshing mercies. It is a good thing to be able to sleep!
We want to thank you too, for remembering us in your prayers and for your kind words of encouragement from time to time. You have received much from the brethren, partly, I believe, because you yourself have given much to others.
I think many who suffer from mental difficulties, keep largely to themselves, and so other people do not understand much about them or their conditions. Thus we do not know how to relate to them. You have been so open about your problems, which helps a lot for others to understand and pray for you specifically. This is how the church becomes more closely knit, isn’t it, when we share our problems with one another, instead of keeping them to ourselves. The Bible tells us to weep with them that weep, and rejoice with them that rejoice. We must learn to share our lives with one another. That is a very difficult thing to do, because it makes us vulnerable. But that is the only way to draw closer to each other.
We will continue to keep you in our prayers. Keep us posted about yourself! May the Lord give you tokens of his love from day to day.
Dear sister,
Just to reassure you that you will always be a sister-in-Christ to us. In fact, you are a source of encouragement to the believers around you. Your testimony to continually to trust and lean on the Lord for strength and restoration speaks loud and clear to us who are reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness and mercy upon His people. So be ye encouraged in the Lord.
Once again, please do feel free to write. An avenue to pour out your heart is always helpful in one way or another to lift the burden away. So no pai-sei at all whether it is long or short. ? Glad to be a ‘listening’ ear.
Take Care!
Dear sister,
Thank God that you are feeling much better. I am really happy for you. Hope you will continue to get better as the days go by. Take care.
Dear sister,
We rejoice with you that sleep is getting better for you this week. Surely, the Lord is faithful in keeping His children.
We are also most encouraged by your courage to share your condition with the church and the joy that you have despite this difficult trial. Continue to press on, dear sister. We will continue to keep our knees bent for you at the throne of Grace.
God bless,
Dear sister,
Don’t worry about writting long mail to me, you can rest be assure that I will read it. I read at least twice before I can understand the content of it. I don’t look down on brethrens who are suffering from affliction because one way or another we too are suffering.
You can fellowship with me and the young people during Sabbath lunch or when you stay behind for evening worship….
Let us pray in unity for God’s grace and help. In His time He will surely answer us.
Warm Rgds in Christ.
Dear sister,
We thank the Lord for His abundant grace and mercies. Do continue to look to the Lord “one-day-at-a-time” for His grace. Do not rush things, neither be presumptous in our daily mercies, but ever trusting in Him, no matter what. He who has begun a good work in our lives, will surely continue to guide and lead us. He will never leave us or forsake us. Let us comfort and encourage ourselves with God’s faithful Words.
Do take care and God bless
Hi sister,
glad to hear that your sleep has improved and that you are getting better rest! You may need to continue to focus on the needs your health and just take things easy whatever they may be.
Appreciate your taking the time and effort to pen down and share your thoughts, something which my wife and myself will not be able to do. God bless you in your efforts in your strive to be a blessing to others.
Dear sister,
Thanks for your emails. It is a joy and encouragement reading them.
Just a quick note to say that I’m glad you managed to come for Sabbath worship last Lord’s Day and to partake together with us the Lord’s supper. Also happy to know that you’re sleeping better after the change in medication.
Continuing to pray with you towards your continued recovery.
Take care.
Dear sister,
Thanks for writing. Thank God for granting you better sleep.
I was glad to see you worshipping with us last Lord’s day. Thank God for His grace and mercy to us.
The Lord continues to grant you strength and joy in Him. “…….for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”—-Nehemiah 8:10
Yours prayerfully,
Dear sister,
Good to hear from you and know that you have finally found out the medical condition and is receiving the right treatment.
God is gracious and merciful. He is so good to me - opening doors for me - protecting and providing for me …..Will remember you in prayers. Take care and God bless
Dear sister,
Thank you for writing to share of God’s goodness in answering our cries. God indeed is a loving God who made us and knows that we need good sleep daily to function and He is merciful to grant you sufficient sleep. I’m encouraged to hear of His love in answering to your every need and would want to trust in Him more for His daily dealings with me.
I’m glad I’m able to take a look at you last Lord’s day though could not talk to you as I was on duty for lunch. And that you were able to partake the Lord’s Supper and to grant spiritual strength from the Lord. It was a privilege to be part of the body of Christ to remind us of our heavenly home in the midst of our earthly cares. Our lovingly Heavenly Father has never leave or forsake us. Let us increase our faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ who love us and gave Himself for us.
God bless and keep you in the wk ahead, sister.
With Christian love,
Dear sister,
I rejoice with you on your progress. All praise and thanks to our merciful Lord! Rest assured that you are always in my prayers and thoughts. Even though you have a long and perhaps ardous journey ahead, be comforted as His rod and His staff are there to lead you. I’m meditating on Song of Solomon 8:5 “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?” We are sometimes found in the ‘wilderness’, but how marvellous that it is in these times, that we can lean on our Beloved, who esteems us His beloved, we who surely are most undeserving.
I thank you for your prayers for my family. We are much indebted to you in many ways, surely our blessed Lord will not forget any cups of cold water given to the needy in His name.
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