Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Psalm 36:5
Thank God for His love, mercies and faithfulness that are so abounding!
Today I am delighted to share with you the mercies and faithfulness of God to Emily!
Last Wednesday, I shared that my friend, Peggy, has started "Mission 4 Monday" and while visiting M4M blogs, I came across Liza's Eyeview. Liza shared about her friend Emily who was hit by car on a Wednesday afternoon 2 weeks ago. Thank you for praying for Emily. Thank God for His mercies and faithfulness to Emily. On Saturday, 6 September, Emily was moved out of the ICU. On Monday, 8 September, Emily was able to have her breakfast at the courtyard and able to make some phone calls.
Emily's mother, Linda wrote,
"....Early this morning, when just Emily and I were awake, she was thanking the Lord and asking Him to use her. When I reminded her that He was using her in a mighty way thru her blog to thousands of people around the world, she nodded her head and said,"ok". I am constantly reminded of God's grace, goodness, faithfulness and powerful love in watching each small and large step that Emily is taking. Thank you for all the kind words but most of all your prayers. Each of us are witnesses to God's deep, deep love for his children. May He richly bless each of your lives.It is encouraging to read of how Emily is thinking of serving the Lord and asking Him to use her even in her affliction now! Praise God for using this accident to be a testimony of His mercies, goodness and faithfulness. Thank God for Liza's labour of love in setting up Praying For Emily blog so that we can witness God's mercies and faithfulness to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Do visit Praying For Emily, if you have time, for the encouraging report of God's goodness to Emily and see some sweet photos of Emily and her loved ones. Leave a note to encourage them, if you can, and to rejoice with them over God's mercies and faithfulness.
In His Son's Worthy Name,
We serve a Great God Who is greater than any circumstances in our life. He is a God that hears our prayers and delight to answer it according to His mercies! What a mercy that we can come before our Heavenly Father's throne of grace daily to cast all our anxieties and care upon Him and to find strength, grace, joy and peace for each day to walk with Him and serve Him.
May you continue to know God's mercies and faithfulness in many wonderful ways daily :)
For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.
Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

Completely beautiful from beginning to end...his mercies and faithfulness in ALL...blessings Nancie...wonderfully written! Full of praises for HIS precious daughter Emily!!! I am so blessed and encouraged that HE answered prayers for Emily and will continue to support this awesome family in prayer! Thank you Liza for giving us a glimpse of Our God of Miracles! We give all glory, honor and THANKS to the ALMIGHTY! Thank you Nancie for sharing these awesome Scriptures and amazing graphics with a Miracle story in the making! God is good! Rejoicing
in God's love and faithfulness!
Have a wonderful WFW! Blessings to you as you bless us each week & me daily!!! THANKS AGAIN!
Another lovely post showing god's goodness and love for Emily and for us all. The pictures are great, thank you so much for your heart. Be blessed.
Hi Nancie - I love your opening picture and scripture. Praise God for healing Emily. I pray that He will bring her to complete restoration. God Bless You Nancie!
Praise God for His love and healing powers. I love you my friend.
Good Morning Dear Friend,
Thanks for the update on Emily!
Thank you for posting Jer 33:3 - what a powerful verse!
Have a blessed day!
Hugs and His love,
What an encouragement today! Thank you for sharing from your heart. There is no god like our God! Blessings to you.
"they will know us by our love" is so demonstrated in your posts! Your love of the Lord and your love for others who are afflicted is so evident! This is beautiful and I love you for your loving kindness that you show! God bless you this beautiful Wednesday!
What a beautiful post Nancie! Wonderful!
What a great verse and great news about Emily. Praise God...
Wow oh wow what a great post and blessing.
Well I TRIED to post my comment last night, but evidently it wasn't my turn :) I wanted to tell you that I appreciated the update on Emily - what a miracle! God is so good to us, thank you for sharing today!
Nancie, thank you for sharing the words of inspiration and specifically the thoughts about faithfulness! Annie
A beautiful post, Nancie. So thankful that Emily is doing better!
Happy WFW!
Praying! Love the photo and verse! Your words and those in the comments are very encouraging!
What a great post. Isn't our Father so good, all the time. It is such a blessing to see prayers answered.
Happy WFW!
Hey Nancie
I love both pictures and verses, but Jeremiah 33:3 is one of my favorites, I love how you illustrated it.
I will be praying for your friend Emily, thanks for sharing about her.
a beautiful verse. I love the ferris wheel with it. What a great way to picture reaching into the heavens.
What a great praise report, his mercies are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness! What an uplifting and encouraging post to read today!! Nancie you touch my heart each time I visit you.
Hugz Lorie
Just wanted to drop by, say "Hi," and hope you're doing well!
I love this! Hope you had a glorious WFW!
lovely! And wonderful news about Emily.
Hope the rest of your week is blessed :o)
The pictures and Scriptures posted are beautiful. You have a lovely heart and it shows through in your blog posts, as well as your comments. Happy WFW and blessings to you!
Dear all, thanks for your kind comments and encouragements. Take care and God bless!
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