Thank God for giving us the privilege of prayers that we can come to Him and cast all our cares and anxieties upon Him knowing that He loves us and cares for us.
Thank God that He hears and answers our prayers according to His wills that is best for us. He often works in very wonderful ways, far beyond our expectations!
Thanks for your prayers for me, dear friends. Thank God for continuing to strengthen me daily.
I don't usually post long for WFW but today I would like to take this opportunity to requests your prayers for the following. Do join me in prayers, if you can.
1) Yesterday I shared about Emily and requested for prayers for her and family. Thanks for praying for Emily and her family.
For those of you who are not aware, my friend, Peggy, has just started a new meme on Monday called "Mission 4 Monday". The purpose of MISSION 4 MONDAY is to share YOUR MISSION each week. I am so thankful that I can participate in Mission 4 Monday. I posted my first Mission 4 Monday yesterday entitled "Trust during rough times".
While visiting Mission 4 Monday blogs, I came across Liza's Eyeview. Liza shared about her friend Emily who was hit by car last Wednesday afternoon. She was in a crosswalk, almost on the sidewalk, when a car suddenly struck her causing her to "fly" 40 to 45 feet unconscious and land on a curb!Emily suffered multiple fractures. When she first arrived at the emergency room, the initial prognosis was dim. Her case was called "severe".
Liza has kindly developed a new blog for Emily called Praying For Emily. Thank God that a surgery done on Saturday went well. Thank God that on Monday 1st Sept, the ventilator was successfully taken off so Emily is breathing on her own. Emily is off sedation although she is not fully conscious yet. She is being given morphine to help ease pain. Doctors are intending to remove her feeding tube. They would like to try feeding her and let her swallow on her own.
I just read the latest update as at Tuesday 2nd Sept. Thank God that Emily has regained consciousness and even spoke a few words! Praise God! Emily's mum, Linda, has written a very touching and beautiful testimony of God's goodness and mercies to them over the last one week since Emily's accident. Do read about it at Praying For Emily if you have time. You will be greatly encouraged.
I would like to request that we continue to keep Emily and her family in prayers during this trying time. May our gracious Lord Jesus Christ preserve and restore Emily according to His mercies and grace. May He grant the Doctors and other medical professionals much wisdom to treat Emily. May our good Lord also comfort and strengthen Emily's family and friends as they commit her to Him and look to Him together for Emily's preservation and restoration. May we unite our hearts in prayers and bring this family before our Heavenly Father's throne of grace as often as we can.
Do visit Praying For Emily for latest update and send your encouragements to this family, if you can. They need as much support as possible in this crucial time. May God continue to shower His love, mercies and comfort upon Emily, her family and friends.
2) Continue to pray for US and other places that are affected by typhoon and other natural disasters. Continue to pray also for Thailand and other places where there are riots, strike and other unrest. Pray that God will protect and preserve His children from harm and danger, and many unbelievers will turn to God in this time of crisis and find hope and salvation in God. Also pray that there will be peace upon the people and their countries, and all their needs being met in many wonderful ways.
Thank God for the privilege that we can pray for one another through all the changing scenes in life, knowing that God loves us and He will work His best for us. With God all things are possible. He is able to heal and restore us and provide for our every need. He may deliver us from danger or give us sufficient grace to sustain us in the afflictions and trials in life. May His will be done as we are fully assured that His will is always the best. May God's name be greatly magnified in the salvation of sinners and preservation of His people.
Thank you for praying with me!
May you continue to know God's everlasting love and goodness in many wonderful ways daily :)
For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.
Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!
(I took this picture near my home one one of my brisk walk session.)
Hello, It is good to hear from you. Hope you are having a great week. I am doing fine. I will be praying for all your prayer request.It is so wonderful to have someone we can talk to each and every day and He listens to all our request. We serve a wonderful God.Have a wonderful week. God Bless.
What a great post today. It is so absolutely true and comforting to know that God knows what's best for us and takes care of us. We would do well to remember this often! It sounds like you are doing well. I have so much to study and write this semester, but I will come visit your blog as often as I can! I have some new pictures on mine, if you want to stop by.
What a great verse...I've been busy...and was trying to catch up with my sleep...so just got back...still have to hop to other sites...LOL
Happy WFW!
Nancie what an absolutely wonderful post. It is great to konw we can cast all on our God and He will hear us. I join you in Prayer, asking god to heal Emily and to strengthen her family. God we know you are a healer and we pray your healing power right now for Emily. Lord we alos ask Your blessings for peace for the nations and Lord I ask Your blessings for Nancie continue to fill her heart with Yourself as she seeks to be a blessing and intercessor for others. To Your glorious Name we give praise for all the marvelous thing sYou have done, are doing and will do in Jesus Name we pray. Amen
be blessed my sister
Thank you for the kind remarks you made about my blog. The first thing, well maybe the second thing, I noticed when I clicked on your blog was your comment about being bipolar. One of my dear nieces has this disorder. Her name is Nancy. I know quite a bit about the disorder because of her experiences. There were other members of my husband's family who were bipolar. I'm so glad you have found strength in God's grace as has my Nancy.
Thank you for the information about Emily. I am praying for her.
Praise God for prayer beginning to be answered for Emily and her family! Thank you Nancie! I will continue to hold them in prayer!
Blessings Nancie...what a thoughtful, all encompassing post!
It blesses me so much! You have an awesome heart and burden for PRAYER and we know that Jeremiah 33
is the perfect verse! Your gorgeous flower photo is such a beautiful touch to the Glory of Our Lord!
I thank the Lord for you and that you bought these great prayer needs to the body of Christ in WFW blog world! These are very important prayers with the USA with 4 hurricanes which spawn tornadoes and your part of the world with so many typhoons and other natural disasters! But we serve a GOD WHO IS BIGGER than ALL these storms! If we will humbly ourselves and bow before Him, praying for His mercy and Protection in these troubling times! For Precious Emily and her family, we thank You, O Lord for signs and wonders! We praise you and give glory to You!
Thank you Nancie for your prayers, encouragement, and beautiful WFW that exalts the Lord with your THANKful prayers and words! It inspires me to CALL on HIM! Amen!
Thanks for sharing Jeremiah 33:3. And thank God for prayer indeed. I love that you are sharing prayer requests. What a beautiful WFW post. You are such a blessing and encouragement.
Hi Nancy! Thank you so much for all of your encouragements. I appreciate the verses and thoughts you share on your blog. I was reminded by your post today that God wants me to pray, really pray, more. And consistently every day. He wants us to ask, and he blesses. He loves to bless.
Hi Nancie, hope you are having a good week so far. Thank you for dropping by and keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Really appreciate that, dear friend.
I've just read through your post. Glad to hear Emily is recovering well. Praise the Lord! Will be keeping her in my prayers.
Love the picture and the verse!
Have a blessed week!
Thank you Nancie for including Emily in this post, for your thoughtfulness and prayers. It's very much appreciated.
Love this post Nanice! Thank you for sharing all that you did today!
Our God is an awesome God! Who loves us so much and wants the best for us - ALWAYS!
Love and blessings my friend!
Nancie, beautifully written. And a beautiful WFW! Pausing to pray right now for your concerns.
beautiful scripture and verse! What a beautiful WFW post.
As always, one of my favorite places to visit each Wednesday. Thank you for letting us know about these prayer requests.
Beautiful post today! I will be praying for Emily and God bless you for your thoughtfulness and loving kindness toward her and her family during this difficult time!
I love this. I just love the way that is put. If we but call on God He will tell us things that we do not even know. So, there is no reason to get all stressed out over everything. God knows so much more than we do.
A great verse, Nancie. I love the thought of God showing me things of which I do not already know. What a blessing!
Happy WFW!
Dear sister what beautiful words you share....So fitting for your WFW!
Not only do I always love your WFW's but I love your heart that is so tender to the Lord and to praying for all the saints.
Bless you dear sister!
Bless you sweetie, I am praying with you, and for you.
That was wonderful! Blessings to you.
thanks Nancie for you kind words. I'm so glad God knows us!
Hi Nancie - Thank you for your faithfulness. I have lifted Emily up for healing. God Bless!
Yet another fantastic post! I always look forward to seeing what you have in store for us. Blessings to you!
Dear all, thanks for stopping by and your encouragements. Take care and God bless!
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