Showing posts with label My therapeutic hobbies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My therapeutic hobbies. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Therapeutic Hobby - Making Bookmarks

Thank God for the joy of photography. I started to discover the beauties of God's creations in many wonderful ways recently when I started brisk walking. I enjoy my walks as I get to see many beautiful flowers, plants, birds and children :-)

When I started photography, I was thrilled at the advance technology of digital cameras that enables me to capture some of these beauties in God's creations and also precious moments with loved ones and friends. Thank God for this new hobby that is very therapeutic.

As I enjoyed making crafts and gifts for my friends, I used my photos and photos taken by my brother and friends, to make some bookmarks. Check out my Homemade Bookmarks Blog to download Free Bookmarks Templates and instructions on how to make simple bookmarks. Besides making bookmarks, I also enjoyed cross-stitch, making simple calendars and origami. Check out my Homemade Crafts and Gifts if you are also interested in making these crafts and gifts.

Making these crafts and gifts give me great joy and satisfaction. Thank God for the joy of sharing these gifts with my friends, and the joy of serving Him in this way.

I took these photo of the Orchid flower at Sentosa Flower exhibition at Sentosa Island, Singapore.



This flower’s actual name is Vanda Miss Joaquim. It was said to be first discovered in the garden of Miss Agnes Joaquim in Singapore in 1893. On 15 April 1981, this flower was chosen as the national flower of Singapore. Singapore has the distinction of being the only nation to have a hybrid as its national flower and whose distribution was confined to Singapore’s boundaries. This beautiful and enduring flower continues to show forth Singapore’s continual strive for progress and excellence in all aspects of life.

The official Chinese name for this flower is 卓锦万黛兰 (pinyin: zhuójǐn wàndàilán) meaning Orchid of Long-Lasting Excellence.

This Chinese verse is taken from Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever."

耶稣基督,昨日、今日、一直到永远 是一样的。希伯来书 13:8

If you are interested to make these Orchid Flower Chinese Bookmark for yourself or your friends, you can download these MicroSoft Word templates and make the necessary changes. I have 4 bookmarks in the template with different Bible verses.

Download Free Template : free-chinese-bookmarks-template-orchid.doc

You may wish to also check out my post on some simple instructions on how to make bookmarks.


These bookmarks are with English wordings and Bible verses. I have 4 bookmarks in the template and you can customized it to put your name or your friend’s name, if you wish to.

Download Free Template : bookmark-template-for-orchid.doc

You may wish to also check out my post on some simple instructions on how to make bookmarks.

Happy making your own bookmarks :-)

Free Calendars 2010 and Free Planners 2010 Resources:

Free Bookmarks Resources:

Free Cards Resources:

Free Handicrafts Resources : Free Cross-stitch

Free Sewing Resources : Knitting

Free Origami Resources:

Free Arts and Crafts for Kids Resources:

Nice Piano Instrumental Music Resources:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grace sufficient for each day

Thank God for His reminders through His creations and His providence daily that He cares for us. He has promised in His Words in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that His grace is sufficient for us. This is a tremendous encouragement to me in this pilgrim journey. Even as a Christian, I continue to face various and many challenges in life just like every one else. I go through time of wellness, sickness, success, failures, happiness, disappointments, life, death, etc etc etc too.

Being a Christian does not exempt me from the trials and difficulties in this life. Having bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness, can make life very difficult for myself and others. The greatest comfort for me in this personal trial, is that God loves me and is sovereignly in control of every situation in my life. Even in allowing me to have bipolar disorder, His love and faithfulness remains unchanging. In fact, it is through my struggles with the 11 or so severe depression episodes over the last 20 years, that I am drawn closer to God to know Him and His love better. At times when I am very confused and hurt by what I was going through, I could only cast myself wholely upon God. At times when family and friends could not understand what I was going through, I could find no comfort in human friendships, the Lord keep me in the palm of His hands. In His love alone, I found that enduring and unconditional love. It gives me the strength to face each day.

Thank God that He is with us always. He will continue to give us the grace to walk with Him and serve Him, even if we have to go through the valley of the shadow of death at times. And when our tasks here is accomplished, we have the blessed hope of being with Him forever to enjoy His love and fellowship for all eternity. What a blessed hope!

My brother took this lovely photo at Muriwai Beach, Western Auckland, New Zealand.


I use this photo to make the following Bookmarks. If you wish to make the bookmark yourself, you can download the respective Free Bookmark Template:

1) 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for thee".

Download Free Bookmark Template: free-bookmarks-2cor12v9.doc

2) Friendship quote:

If you love something, set if free.
If it comes back to you, it's yours.
If it doesn't, it was never meant to be.

Download Free Bookmark Template: free-bookmarks-muriwai-beach.doc

3) Chinese Bible verse for 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for thee”.

In Chinese this verse is read as 我的恩典够你用的 (Pinyin : de ēn diǎn gòu yòng de)

Download Free Bookmark Template :




Check out more Free Bookmarks Templates at my Homemade Bookmarks Hobby Blog.

Free Calendars 2010 and Free Planners 2010 Resources:

Free Bookmarks Resources:

Free Cards Resources:

Free Handicrafts Resources : Free Cross-stitch

Free Sewing Resources : Knitting

Free Origami Resources:

Free Arts and Crafts for Kids Resources:

Nice Piano Instrumental Music Resources:

Friday, February 22, 2008

My therapeutic Hobbies

Thank God that most people with bipolar are rather creative. So I enjoy writing as I can express my thoughts, feelings and emotions freely through writing.

I also enjoy photography as it allows me to capture the beauties in God's creations and precious moments I spend with loved ones or I see in others. I love to share with others the photos I have taken so that they too can appreciate the beauties of God's creations. You can see more of the photos I have taken on my "Around Singapore" blog.

I do enjoy making bookmarks, cards and calendars too. Sometimes I also do cross-stitch. Usually I made these as gifts for my friends. I like to personalized these gifts for my friends and put my favourite verses or phrases on them. You can see more of my handiworks on my "Homemade Crafts and Gifts" blog.

My brother took some photos of very lovely flowers in New Zealand and I used them to make bookmarks. Recently, I visited the Sentosa Flower exhibition at Sentosa Island in Singapore. I took some lovely pictures of flowers. I also love to take pictures of the beach. Yesterday, I tried using some of these photos to make some bookmarks:

My brother took the pink rose in New Zealand and I took the yellow flowers during a briskwalk session around the neighbourhood of my home.

These flowers are taken at Sentosa Flower exhibition at Sentosa Island, Singapore.

Both these pictures are taken at East Coast Beach, Singapore.

The blue one is taken on a sunny day while the green one is taken on a cloudy and windy day.

Hmm... strange that the beach looks so different on different days. Kind of like us with bipolar - extremely different moods on different days :-)

Hi, if you are interested to make some of these bookmarks for yourself or your friends, you can download some Free Bookmark Templates from my "Homemade Crafts and Gifts" blog and I shared some free tips there as well on how to make them :-)

Free Calendars 2010 and Free Planners 2010 Resources:

Free Bookmarks Resources:

Free Cards Resources:

Free Handicrafts Resources : Free Cross-stitch

Free Sewing Resources : Knitting

Free Origami Resources:

Free Arts and Crafts for Kids Resources:

Nice Piano Instrumental Music Resources:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Enjoying God's creations in many wonderful ways

Thank God that while recovering from my last relapse of depression end of last year, I was able to do a lot of brisk walkings around the neighbourhood of my home as well as at some beach.

Through regular brisk walkings, it has helped to strengthen my body and mind. Providentially, I also picked up photography. I saw many beautiful flowers and plants while walking in the neighbourhood of my home. Photography allows me to express the creative side of me just as writing allows me to express my thoughts, feelings and emotions.

I also love to go to the beach and watch the sea and waves. Somehow the waves has a soothing effect on me. It reminded me of the majesty of God and His power in creating all things, and His sovereignty in ordering all His creations for His glory. I am reminded of God's unchangeable and unfailing love to His beloved people who are saved by grace through the cleansing of the precious blood of His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

What a comfort it is to remember that God who created all things, Who has redeemed me from sins and eternal condemnation, continues to watch over me through all the changing scenes of life. And nothing will ever separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. How blessed it is to belong to Him!

Taken at Sentosa Flower exhibition at Sentosa Island, Singapore

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14

Taken at Changi Beach, Singapore

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalm 8:3-4

Taken at East Coast Beach, Singapore

The sea of God's mercy should swallow up our particular afflictions. - Luther

Taken at East Coast Beach, Singapore

I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:25

To see more of the photos I have taken, visit my "Around Singapore" blog where I share some photos and some places of interest in Singapore :-)

Free Calendars 2010 and Free Planners 2010 Resources:

Free Bookmarks Resources:

Free Cards Resources:

Free Handicrafts Resources : Free Cross-stitch

Free Sewing Resources : Knitting

Free Origami Resources:

Free Arts and Crafts for Kids Resources:

Nice Piano Instrumental Music Resources:

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A day at Sentosa with my mother

Thank God that I was able to spend a wonderful day with my mother. My mother loves plants and flowers. She suggested that we go to the Sentosa Flower exhibition at Sentosa Island, Singapore. The Flower exhibition is from 7 to 17 Feb, and it is part of the Chinese New Year celebration of our nation.

Here are some lovely flowers :

The Singapore orchid :-)

To see more pictures, visit my Around Singapore blog :-)