My brother took this lovely photo at Muriwai Beach, Western Auckland, New Zealand.
Thank God for His reminders through His Words and His providence daily that He cares for us. He has promised in His Words in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that His grace is sufficient for us. This is a tremendous encouragement to me in this pilgrim journey. Even as a Christian, I continue to face various and many challenges in life just like every one else. I go through time of wellness, sickness, success, failures, happiness, disappointments, life, death, etc etc etc too.
Being a Christian does not exempt me from the trials and difficulties in this life. Having bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness, can make life very difficult for myself and others. The greatest comfort for me in this personal trial, is that God loves me and is sovereignly in control of every situation in my life and His grace is sufficient for me. Even in allowing me to have bipolar disorder, His love and faithfulness remains unchanging. In fact, it is through my struggles with the 11 or so severe depression episodes over the last 20 years, that I am drawn closer to God to know Him and His love better. I have found His promises to be true and His grace sufficient as He promised It is God that sustained me through many painful and prolonged suffering from clinical depression. At times when I am confused by what I was going through and others could not understand either, the Lord has kept me in the palm of His hands. In His love alone, I found that enduring and unconditional love. It gives me the strength to face each day.
Thank God that He is with us always. He will continue to give us the grace to walk with Him and serve Him, even if we have to go through the valley of the shadow of death at times. And when our tasks here are accomplished, we have the blessed hope of being with Him forever to enjoy His love and fellowship for all eternity. What a blessed hope!
Meanwhile, let us press on joyfully in His strength daily. When we are weak, He is strong and His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Praise Him!
Hope this verse will encourage you today and everyday. May you continue to know God's grace that is sufficient for you through all the changing scenes in life and His love that is unchanging and everlasting. Have a blessed day!
I use this photo to make the following Bookmarks. If you wish to make the bookmark yourself, you can download the respective Free Bookmark Template.
1) 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for thee".
Download Free Bookmark Template: free-bookmarks-2cor12v9.doc
Check out Free instructions on how to make Bookmarks.
2) Friendship quote:
If you love something, set if free.
If it comes back to you, it's yours.
If it doesn't, it was never meant to be.
Download Free Bookmark Template: free-bookmarks-muriwai-beach.doc
Check out Free instructions on how to make Bookmarks.
3) Chinese Bible verse for 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for thee”.
In Chinese this verse is read as 我的恩典够你用的 (Pinyin : wǒ de ēn diǎn gòu nǐ yòng de)
Download Free Chinese Bookmark Template :
Check out Free instructions on how to make Bookmarks.
Have a blessed day!
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